The Legal Stuff

Cancellation and refund policy

Note: If you need to cancel your booking, learn about how to go about here and getting your refund.

Perhaps you just need the peace of mind of knowing if and how you can cancel, before booking, or perhaps you need to cancel right away.

Here’s how to find the cancellation policy for your stay, group_tour, experience and event:

Before you book

You can find cancellation details on the listing page of each Hotel, Group Tour, Experience, or Event, and during the booking process—before you pay.

After you book

Your cancellation options can always be found in your dashboard under your "Booking history". Just click or tap "Show details" and you will find your Cancellation options. 100% of your payment will be refunded if you cancel before the Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider approves and confirms your booking. If the Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider had already approved and confirmed your booking, the amount refundable shall be as per the Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider’s Cancellation Policy, and the Client Refund Policy. The Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider will advise you on what your refund will be, as well as provide you with a detailed breakdown if you wish for one. Note: Depending on the circumstances, you can receive a cash refund, or travel credit, or alternative booking dates and/or other consideration. Such unprecedented circumstances may include: unexpected changes to visa or passport requirements imposed by a governmental agency that prevent travel to the destination; declaration of local or national emergencies, epidemics, pandemics, and public health emergencies; travel restrictions imposed by a governmental agency that prevent or prohibit traveling to, staying at, or returning from the listing location; acts of war, hostilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, insurrection, civil disorder, and civil unrest; and/or natural disasters, acts of God, large-scale outages of essential utilities, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other severe and abnormal weather events.

Refunds - How refunds work for cancellations

It is important for you to note that refunds are subject to the Hotels and Experience Provider’s Cancellation Policy, and the Client Refund Policy. If you would like to request a refund from a Hotel, or an Experience Provider, we recommend discussing any refund amounts with the Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider through your Maranomads messaging tab or calling them. However, if you and the Hotel or the Experience Provider, are not able to come to an amicable agreement within 60 hours, you can reach out to Maranomads and ask Maranomads to help mediate the issue. Maranomads will always be available to help you in the event you are not happy with how a Hotel, Experience, or Event Provider has handled your cancellation and/or refund or are not happy with the Hotel, Experience, or Event Providers services. You need only inform us about the circumstances or situation and we shall help you resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Note: You have up to 60 days after your reservations checkout date to submit a Dispute Resolution request.